Call 1-800-780-7231 for a no-cost case evaluation.
Medical malpractice cases in Maine are extraordinarily difficult for many reasons:
The material in this newsletter is designed to help you recognize the potentially viable medical malpractice case and point out some of the pitfalls of the system. A word of caution however: each case is different—on its facts, the medicine, the personalities, and the law. While this newsletter may give you a rough guide in certain areas, you may want to pick up the phone and call to discuss the case in more detail.
Maine Medical Malpractice News is a quarterly newsletter published to help members of the Maine bar identify viable medical malpractice cases in the context of the expensive, time-consuming and complicated medical malpractice system in Maine.
Office: 136 Commercial Street, Mezzanine Level
Mail: P.O. Box 578
Portland, ME 04112-0578
Tel: (207) 780-9900
Fax: (207) 558-6132
Hovermale Law represents catastrophically injured victims of medical malpractice, negligence, and other personal injuries in Maine and throughout the country.
Member of:
American Association for Justice
Maine Trial Lawyer Association
ATLA’s Birth Trauma Litigation Group
Listed in: The Best Lawyers in America; Law Dragon; New England Super Lawyers; Chambers Client Guide to America's Leading Lawyers and all contents copyright ©2016, Hovermale Law, Portland, Maine |